The universe has become the YOUniverse

Joseph Natoli, CounterPunch:

What anything means and how to reach common understanding through language has now been privatized and become a possession of the autonomous self. The universe has become the YOUniverse. You choose what’s real to you. This empowerment of the autonomous self is after all the driving, prime directive of the capitalist success story. Any form of solidarity, from the Federal Government to labor unions, and, of course, a socialist political party, is a threat to the disintegration and fractionalization that is a requirement at the heart of capitalist competitiveness. Best is a diversity that dishevels the mind and provokes a chaos of minds lost in the confusion in which what is true cannot be distinguished from what is false. Best is a confusion that can be worked toward profit, a crisis of meaning leading to maximization of profit. Every individual is a market, a personal choice marketing frontier. A market of one mind is death to capitalism. Any brand of unity is defunded by capitalism.


I have no answer as to how the thirst for personal differences shared by capitalism and Democrats transitions/progresses to a flourishing unity out of which we can achieve enough of a common understanding to defend ourselves against a global warming that will destroy us.


Why would a political party begin its campaign with the illusions of personal autonomy, personal choice and individual rights and set its goal there when the truth is plutocratic power has the only autonomy, choice is manufactured as cleverly as Mountain Dew, and the claim of rights is no more than another example of human presumption so easily challenged.

We need to be restrained within the boundaries of both society and Nature. If you want to fight for equity in a society already plutocratically entrenched, why would you assist capitalism in bringing everything down to private control and personal choice when clearly you should be mobilizing solid blocks of opposition? Why would you put individual rights, personal freedom, and choice at center stage when it is clearly societal concerns and connections which could dismount the mission of greed, self-aggrandizement, and a personal will to power that represents our plutocracy now?

Right now, any successful counters to plutocratic power are held, ironically, in low esteem by those victimized and exploited by such power. I refer to government, unions, a free press, and public education. It’s so outrageously ridiculous, so much La Commedia, that only satire would be our default if that and irony had not been already replaced by emoticons/emojis in our digitized communication. If you consider communication capable of creating collective understanding a potential threat to an economic system that benefits 20% and diminishes 80%, you would not be pleased with the way social media in the control of plutocrats has thrown our words into chaos.

Our defenses lie in our language.

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