Germany, You Have Long Since Betrayed Your Responsibility

Amira Hass, Haaretz:

You Germans have long since betrayed your responsibility, the one “arising from the Holocaust” – that is, from the murder of my parents’ families, among others, and the suffering of the survivors. You betrayed it by your unreserved support for an Israel that occupies, colonizes, deprives people of water, steals land, imprisons two million Gazans in a crowded cage, demolishes homes, expels entire communities from their homes and encourages settler violence.

And all this has happened under the auspices of a so-called peace agreement that you and other Western leaders embraced.

France 24:

Both the US and the EU have increased humanitarian funding for Palestinians since the Israeli bombardments following the Hamas attack. The EU’s aid to the Palestinians is the “price of their guilty conscience about the disappearance of the prospect of the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel,” noted French journalist and writer Gilles Paris in Le Monde.

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